Active and Healthy partners

City of Gold Coast's award winning Active and Healthy program has been getting thousands of residents up, out and active every week for many years. There are over 200 free or low cost activities running weekly across the city all run by you, our valued partners.

It is a requirement that we report on the participant numbers of each Active and Healthy activity that we offer as part of the program. By completing participant numbers for each activity you run, you will help us understand how popular and engaged our residents are with our community activities. There are just a few short questions. Please ensure you report attendance numbers for each activity you run during the Program.

Thank you!

City of Gold Coast Active and Healthy team.

City of Gold Coast's award winning Active and Healthy program has been getting thousands of residents up, out and active every week for many years. There are over 200 free or low cost activities running weekly across the city all run by you, our valued partners.

It is a requirement that we report on the participant numbers of each Active and Healthy activity that we offer as part of the program. By completing participant numbers for each activity you run, you will help us understand how popular and engaged our residents are with our community activities. There are just a few short questions. Please ensure you report attendance numbers for each activity you run during the Program.

Thank you!

City of Gold Coast Active and Healthy team.

Guest Book

Have you received feedback or a written testimonial about one of your events? This is the place to let us know what the Gold Coast thinks!

You need to be signed in to comment in this Guest Book. Click here to Sign In or Register to get involved

“Where would I be without Laughter Yoga? Certainly not in the peaceful contented place I find myself today. The anger that lay deep inside me has dissipated, my general health is good, my mental health is excellent. Thank you Shelley for guiding me along this path of fulfilment and joy.”

Shelley Marie-Sainte 2 months ago

"I love my Thursday morning training sessions with Ross. It would be even better if they were on other days of the week too. Thanks Ross for trying to get me fit."

Quickresultstraining 3 months ago

"I really enjoy Ross's Express fitness group on Thursday at Tugun. The class has a good mix of strength and balance exercises and cardio just to get the heart pumping. Ross adapts exercises to suit fitness levels or abilities, especially when easing back into training. I highly recommend coming along and joining in. Added bonus is it class is outside in the fresh air and the ocean is perfect for a swim afterwards. An extra class during the week would be a great option too."

Kavina Pyke

Quickresultstraining 3 months ago

“Over 2 years ago, I was searching for seniors classes on the Internet which lead me to find Active and Healthy GC for seniors run by Janet Thomas. She runs rehabilitative classes for seniors and also sit n stretch (chair yoga). It is an exciting, enjoyable and very social way to achieve great health results. I love it, I love being with lovely friendly people with common goals that make getting fit so much fun. Janet is a wonderful teacher, so much so I joined another of her groups also, with the same emphasis on cardio, strength, balance and memory (all the things us oldies need!) All the exercises are tailored to our needs and ability and Janets guidance keeps us safe. We’ve also started a coffee group and its lovely getting to know new “old” friends. I can’t thank Janet enough for her knowledge, expertise and care that she has given all of us and especially me. Also thanks too Active and Healthy for the opportunity to train in first class community centres.” Lorraine, 75

40s Plus Fitness / A&H

Janet Thomas 4 months ago

“I’m 67 and retired. We moved to the GC 4 years ago. I wanted to enhance my well-being in a warmer climate but my concern was I left family and friends. I wanted to meet like minded people who wanted to stay fit and healthy. I tried a few places which wasn’t for me. I found an Active and Healthy flier in my letterbox in the local area which was important to me as I don’t like driving. I hit the jackpot. I met Janet Thomas who was welcoming, informative and knowledgable. Her nursing background was a bonus. I have bouts of fibromyalgia, arthritis, a hip replacement, shoulder and back injuries. My aim was to strengthen and improve my flexibility which I have. Janet has been a joy to meet. She explained her own healthy journey and this encouraged me to start and control my own path. Our group often meet for coffee afterwards which has been a comfort. I wish I had started this exercise class as well as Janets sit n stretch many years ago. It has been so good for all participants mental health thanks to our amazing teacher who is extremely supportive.”
Judy, 67

40s Plus Fitness / A&H

Janet Thomas 4 months ago

“I believe I owe my continuing good balance to having attended Janet Thomas' classes, twice a week for about 10 years!  Janet always includes some balance, it keeps my system "tuned up" and working like it should!  I don't think I'm ever going to "have a fall" like so many elderly people do. My muscle condition is also kept up due to her classes. The exercise makes us feel good and, combined with the wonderful social group we have built-up, ensures our future well-being! Janet is a pleasure to work for, is such a caring person and feels like another daughter to me and my wife. We look forward to our weekly sessions as a break to retired life!” Garth, 80

40s Plus Fitness / A&H

Janet Thomas 4 months ago

“I would like to say that for around 3 years now I have been in Janet Thomas' class, a beautiful friendship has been born between the participants and myself and this is thanks to her. Having recently been in Australia, I had difficulty meeting people because I was shy and Janet welcomed me very warmly. In addition, she is an excellent teacher, passionate in her work and attentive to her students, corrects our errors in movements etc. and most importantly, Janet is smiling in all her classes because she loves what she does: taking care of people.” Christine, 59

40s Plus Fitness / A&H

Janet Thomas 4 months ago

“I attend Janet Thomas’ class and it is brilliant. Janet caters to our different levels of health and fitness. I have a lung disease so this class is invaluable to me physically helping both my breathing, fitness, agility and balance. I badly tore my meniscus in 2023 and after rest and Physio this class was instrumental in my healing and strengthening of those muscles. Janet is perfect as a trainer and her nursing background and own life experience makes for a class that is essential for us seniors. We also have a class of attendees who are very social which has great benefits for seniors as well. Thank you GCCC for this invaluable program.”
Rosemary, 69

40s Plus Fitness / A&H

Janet Thomas 4 months ago

“My name is Coleen and I had an accident where my leg was crushed which left me with drop foot. It has impacted my life greatly. I previously was very active but since my accident in 2005, it had that left me unable to even do daily activity. Due to the fact that I rely on using crutches, for only a short distance, and I also am using a mobility scooter. I have had 2 shoulder operations, an elbow operation and my right hand operated on, requiring joint replacement. In addition, due to an earlier whiplash injury, I have extensive operations on my neck where I needed 2-disc replacements. In the past 17 years I have had countless physio and acupuncture sessions, which did not improve my condition at all. I tried endlessly to find a place that would be able to help me maintain and improve my overall health but there was nothing out there. Then I received a letter drop brochure for Janet Thomas' Sit n Stretch class.When I first started, I learnt how unfit I was, so I attended these classes weekly, for about 6months. I wanted to do more so I asked Janet if she thought I could do the the Active and Healthy program on Mondays and asked if it would benefit me and she assured me that she could show me how to do it from a chair and some standing. I loved both classes and I continued to get better with each class. The Active and Healthy program has been exactly what I needed. My fitness and mobility have improved. Before these classes I did not venture to far from home and socially I was cut off. This has changed for the better. The ladies at these classes are just so lovely and I believe that this has also helped my mental health and we all have become like family. I have made some wonderful friendships and memories. Janet treats everyone with the most loving friendship and always make sure we get exactly what we need with each class and I believe that without these classes my health and mental health would continue to deteriorate. I am now happy and I can now achieve tasks at home and I look forward to every class” Coleen, 62

40s Plus Fitness / Active and Healthy

Janet Thomas 4 months ago

Having recently moved to the Gold Coast it was great to find that the Council provides active, healthy and affordable fitness classes on the beaches.

As a 70 year old, it is important that I remain as active and healthy as possible whilst meeting others in the local community. I joined the Express Fat Burner class at Tugun run by Ross and have enjoyed the exercise class. Ross has a passion and dedication for bringing out the best for each student and their individual needs which has improved both my mental and fitness levels.

I hope that this type of initiative by the Gold Coast Council continues into the future.

Chris McGuckin

Quickresultstraining 5 months ago

What a positive way to start the day - training on Tugun beach! Ross is such a supportive coach who tailors the workout to suit your individual needs, so it doesn't matter what your skill level is no one misses out. I would love a 2nd day added so I could attend training twice a week. Thanks Ross!

Vicki Lamb

Quickresultstraining 5 months ago

“Im loving the Active and Healthy Express Fat Burner classes on Thursday mornings at Tugun Beach. The outdoor location next to the ocean is a great place for a class and a great way to start the day. Ross is motivational, inspiring me as my fitness is improving weekly. I feel myself getting stronger with every class. I’d really benefit from an additional class to be held at Tugun each week.”

Jeniffer McGuckin

Quickresultstraining 5 months ago

I have been attending Janet Thomas’ 40s plus fitness exercise classes most Mondays and Wednesdays for over two years after many years of working in front of a computer all day.

I recently had a cardio stress test by walking and then running on a tread mill. The cardiologist was impressed with my results and advised me that I was very fit for someone ‘nearly 70’! I contribute this great result to Janet’s exercise classes.

Janet ensures she focuses all specific areas paying attention to individual requirements. She tailors her classes to each person’s fitness level and limitations. I have found that she pays particular attention to ‘seniors’ concerns e.g. balance, maintaining muscle mass and stretching.

My senior friends who also attend the classes have also reported positive results.


Janet Thomas 6 months ago

Yoga at Studio Village community centre on Thursday nights 6.15 -7.15pm

Have attended this class for the last few months and can't recommend it highly enough. The class has definitely improved my stength and flexibility. Instructor has created a really friendly and welcoming environmemt that caters to all ability levels.


Dengl17 7 months ago

Active Balance and Memory in Motion Ashmore Participant testimonial (MEE Active)

Reduces fall risk by improving reflexes and strength – I am no longer holding onto furniture to walk around the house.
Reflexes have quickened not dropping items around the kitchen and catching falling things or righting them before they spill or fall.
Confidence that my body can move with strength when needed.
Lots of laughter at ourselves when we drop the noodle or don’t quite get something 100% right.
Walking into class I am stiff and fearful of falls, walking out I am body confident and move with fluidity and daresay strength and grace.
Reflexes are often sluggish at the start of class but over time improve exponentially, minute by minute, week by week, month by month.
Later in the week after our class I get a burst of energy to tackle a physical job I have been putting off.
It took me about 5 weeks before I was convinced of needing to come every week.
Most exercises can be done at home and are easy and do not need special equipment
The well-being benefits are huge and renewable.

Rachelle55 10 months ago

Capoeira Friday Class 12-1pm @ Upper Coomera Centre

My two boys have joined a fitness class with Nina & we are all so grateful that an interesting & culturally significant class like this is available.

Wendy 😊

GwenStar 10 months ago

Active Balance & Memory class - Wednesday 9.45am Ashmore
Allan & I want to thank you for your excellent mind and body classes on Wednesday morning at Ashmore, so much FUN! Just what we need for our age group.
All your expert help is well thought out.
Would love to see some more participants joining in to experience what we as mature people need. All the variety of mind and body we do is so good for us! We feel 100% better when we leave your class many thanks for keeping us moving

Rachelle55 about 1 year ago

Dear Madonna,
I was intending on writing last week, but this week is an even better double report.
As you may have inferred, I do like and miss Ros already facilitating the yoga on Thursday. I also liked your classes and your attention to detail when you took over for Ros whilst she was away in Europe. I didn’t think that I would ever like anyone else taking this Gentle Flow class. But Tanya has certainly done it. Last week and this week she made the class her own by happily owning it and knowing she was our permanent teacher. She is all round like Ros and yourself with your music accompanying yoga. I find the music so helpful in setting the atmosphere for the Asanas.

A Community Hall is not so easy to set a soulful and Zen quality to an otherwise boring venue. I like the way Tanya has made the space her space and a sacred space for all of us. She lights some incense to clear the environment and sprays the hall with an essential oils mist. I know Ros on occasion would put a drop of essential oil on the wrists of all present in order to focus our attention and offer an intention. Clearly, it is evident that you, Madonna have been involved in their coaching. (I presume that both ladies learned yoga through you.)

I thought it only proper to write to you about Tanya like I have always written about Ros, who as a new yogi, mastered the class so well. Suited to my level. At first it almost scared me to have someone more advanced in her yoga as Tanya, but this has only allowed us to see how far yoga can be adapted to each individual. And there are members who are quite advanced themselves, who would relish the challenge.
I would like to thank you Madonna for finding the Labrador Hub a new teacher which could not have been easy when dealing with such a large hall.
Much appreciated Madonna.

Yogasapiens over 1 year ago

About today’s yoga….
Love Deva Premal.
Love your singing bowl and chimes.
Love your practice.
Your class was especially polished today, if that is the word I am looking for. Your classes are always well organised and so much packed into the hour. But today it seemed different. More so. Maybe you sensed that someone was observing your class from a different perspective to a participant. I would say that Ros would have been thoroughly impressed with your style, technique and delivery. Not that it really matters anyway as you are our facilitator now.
I also hope you didn’t mind me introducing you to Ros, or for that matter, Ros to you.
Both of you are lovely spiritual ladies. It was from a good intention on my part.

I needed to share this with you.
All the best for your second swimmers’ meet tomorrow.


Yogasapiens over 1 year ago

“I rejoined Janet Thomas’ exercise group after being absent for 2 years with no problems.
I joined again as Janet is so lovely and caring for us older ladies and gentlemen. She has a lovely personality and though she is younger and fitter than us (lol) she makes sure we are capable of doing the class.
Lovely group of people in their 50s 60s 70s and 80s and we go have coffee and chat afterwards”

Janet Thomas over 2 years ago
Page last updated: 09 Mar 2024, 03:51 PM